Please understand that if they are going to allow you to borrow money that it is likely that you were credit score will directly reflect your answer straight. The higher your credit score the lower your interest rate and vice versa. If you have very bad credit than you are going to find a very high interest rate on your Christmas loan.
Many bad credit borrowers do not mind a high interest rate is there willing to do whatever it takes to make their children happy on Christmas. If you are one of these people please step back and think about what you are going to do this Christmas. If you get a high interest loan to buy this Christmas presents you may be paying it back for much of 2010.
Sometimes it is worth it to just tell your children that Christmas is going to be a little short this year. They will understand in the long run and it will definitely help you build a stronger financial base throughout 2010. Do not let one day ruin your entire year.
As stated earlier, there are many lenders out there that will be willing to help you borrow money. Please make sure to do your research and find out what your interest rate is going to be before you sign any documents. If your interest rate is much more than you can handle it might be time to step back and just reduce the amount of gifts you buy this Christmas.